
Many Americans in new survey say Biden more personable than Trump, but not stronger

Americans generally tend to see President Biden as more personable and kind than former President Trump, but most see the former president as a stronger and tougher person, according to a poll published Wednesday.

The YouGov survey of nonpolitical traits dives into how voters see Biden and Trump as people, instead of just as politicians.

Respondents said Biden would be much more likely to help a stranger than Trump (46 percent answered Biden, to 30 percent Trump), give better relationship advice (44 percent to 21 percent), return a lost wallet (43 percent to 27 percent) and would be a better babysitter (38 percent to 27 percent).

While the president carries on soft skills, respondents tended to trust Trump more in competitive realms.

According to the survey, voters said Trump would be a better arm wrestler (52 percent answered Trump to 14 percent Biden) and poker player (46 percent to 16 percent), as well as give better financial advice (47 percent to 31 percent). Respondents also believe Trump would last longer on a deserted island (39 percent to 24 percent) and is more likely to win a game of trivia (37 percent to 30 percent).

The presidential race remains neck and neck overall. Trump has a 1.2 percent lead over Biden in The Hill/Decision Desk HQ average of national polls.

The YouGov survey polled about 1,100 people May 17-20, with a margin of error of about 4 percent.