
Sanders leads Biden in latest Nevada poll

A poll released Friday showed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leading Democratic presidential contenders in Nevada with just over a week to go before its caucuses. 

The poll, conducted by WPA Intelligence for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and AARP Nevada, showed 25 percent of likely caucusgoers supporting Sanders, followed by former Vice President Joe Biden at 18 percent.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) placed third at 13 percent, and she was trailed by businessman Tom Steyer at 11 percent. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) and former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg tied at 10 percent each.

Candidates must reach at least 15 percent support to obtain delegates from Nevada.

Sanders virtually tied Buttigieg in the Iowa caucuses earlier this month, although results have not yet been made official as the state’s Democrats conduct a partial recanvass.

The Vermont senator narrowly beat Buttigieg in New Hampshire. 

The poll also showed Sanders and Warren with the highest favorable rating at 71 percent each, followed by Biden at 68 percent, Steyer at 64 percent, Klobuchar at 62 percent and Buttigieg last with 59 percent. 

The Nevada caucuses are considered the first test of how candidates will fare when facing a more diverse electorate. The race and ethnicity breakdown of the poll was 58 percent white, 20 percent Latino, 13 percent African American and 3 percent Asian American.

Sanders has widened his coalition from his failed 2016 run and has a strong operation in Nevada, with more than 200 staff and more than 1,000 volunteers. 

The telephone poll surveyed 413 likely caucusgoers from Tuesday through Thursday and has a margin of error of 4.8 percentage points.