
Democratic Party chairman says he’s ‘confident’ Nevada caucus won’t have problems of Iowa

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez said Wednesday he is confident that Saturday’s Nevada caucuses will run smoothly, after the chaotic Iowa caucuses earlier this month sparked concerns. 

“I have a lot of confidence in Nevada, a really, really strong party,” Perez said on CNN. “We have gone to school on the lessons of Iowa. We’re as low-tech as humanly possible while still preserving efficiency.” 

Iowa state party leaders blamed slow results on an app that was being used for reporting. Perez said the process  in Nevada is “much more user friendly” and there is no app. He said an “off-the-shelf” simple tool will help volunteers calculate caucus results. 

“I am very confident that we will be able to carry out a successful caucus,” Perez said. 

The party has provided more than 1,000 training sessions and continues to offer training “every single day,” he added. 

“[We’re] making sure that the story Saturday is the candidates, not the process. That’s our goal,” he said.