
Gun safety group Brady Campaign endorses Biden

The gun safety group the Brady Campaign on Sunday endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden.

The campaign’s president Kris Brown appeared on MSNBC’s “Weekends with Alex Witt” to officially support the former vice president, saying the group has a 30-year history with Biden.

“He’s a leader on this issue that’s unparalleled, and he has a history around our issue of promises kept,” she said. “So we’re so pleased to endorse him today.

“Any of the candidates in the race to be honest, Alex, would be better than the current residence of the White House, but there’s no one better than Joe Biden,” she added.

The Brady Campaign supports Biden’s proposals to address violence against women, close background check loopholes, ban assault weapons and focus on reducing community violence.

“Joe Biden has worked with the gun violence prevention movement, with survivors, and with lawmakers his entire career,” Brown said in a statement. “We know him, and he knows us. We know he will work to deliver this change.”

Biden helped Jim and Sarah Brady pass the Brady Bill in 1998, which implemented the modern background check system. 

“I am honored today to have the support of their organization as we redouble our work to end the gun violence epidemic that ravages too many communities across the country,” Biden said in a statement. “I do not accept a world where we cannot stand up and say ‘no more’ to the voices that offer empty words in the aftermath of tragedy, then oppose change and fuel this cycle of carnage.”

But when asked about Biden’s opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Brown said in the MSNBC interview that the group will “certainly support a presidential candidate who takes seriously the importance of renewing the assault weapon ban, of expanding background checks.”

Biden and Sanders are both vying for the Democratic nomination. The former vice president has earned 664 delegates while the Vermont senator has collected 573 delegates, although not all of the Super Tuesday delegates have been distributed.

Updated: 8:07 p.m.