
Trump defeats Biden in Texas

President Trump defeated Democratic nominee Joe Biden in Texas on Tuesday, fending off efforts by Democrats to turn the state blue this election cycle.

The Associated Press called the Lone Star State for Trump shortly after 1 a.m. EST on Wednesday.

Trump won Texas in 2016 by 9 percentage points against Hillary Clinton, the narrowest margin for a GOP presidential candidate in some time. The Trump campaign expressed confidence leading up to Election Day that Republicans would hold the state, despite efforts by the Biden campaign to target voters there.

Texas has not voted for a Democrat in a presidential race since 1976, when Jimmy Carter was elected.

Polls leading up to Election Day showed a close race in the Lone Star State. Democrats had hoped that a surge in early voting would lead to a Biden victory.

Texas, which has 38 electoral college votes, is viewed as critical to Trump’s reelection efforts.