
De Blasio not ruling out bid for New York governor

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on Monday said he is not ruling out a bid for New York governor.

“I haven’t ruled in or ruled out anything. I haven’t made any decisions about the future,” de Blasio said during a press briefing, News 10 ABC reported.

The comment came a day before a report was released by state Attorney General Letitia James (D) saying New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) sexually harassed 11 women and retaliated against at least one person who came forward about the harassment. 

My first thoughts are with the women who were subject to this abhorrent behavior, and their bravery in stepping forward to share their stories. The Attorney General’s detailed and thorough report substantiates many disturbing instances of severe misconduct,” de Blasio said in a statement Tuesday. “Andrew Cuomo committed sexual assault and sexual harassment, and intimidated a whistleblower. It is disqualifying.

“It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor,” he added. “He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately.”

Cuomo said he will not resign, and it is still possible for him to run for reelection in 2022.

De Blasio can not run for mayor of New York City again due to term limits and could go up against Cuomo in a gubernatorial race if he decides to run.

“Right now, my singular focus is on beating back COVID and getting this city to a full recovery,” de Blasio said at the press conference. “At some point I gotta figure out what I’m doing.”