
NRA spokeswoman calls for Democrat to resign after calling NRA ‘threat’

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National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch is calling on Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.) to resign after the lawmaker said that Loesch and the NRA were “becoming domestic security threats.”

During an appearance on Fox News Friday, Loesch railed against Rice, saying the New York Democrat spoke more aggressively against the NRA than she does about violent gangs, like MS-13.

“This is a Congress woman who, in her area, MS-13 is killing black and hispanic men. And yet she has harsher words for me and for NRA members than she does for MS-13. That says something.”


In the final seconds of her interview, Loesch said, “she needs to resign.”

The feud between Loesch and Rice began Thursday, when the lawmaker tweeted that the NRA and its spokeswoman were becoming a threat to the country.

“I’m just going to say it. #NRA & DLoesch are quickly becoming domestic security threats under President Trump,” Rice tweeted. “We can’t ignore that.”

Coleman Lamb, a spokesman for Rice, defended the New York Democrat’s tweet, saying in a statement Friday that the NRA “no longer has anything to do with protecting Second Amendment Rights,” according to The Washington Post.

“Their leaders and spokespeople are depicting the United States as a country on the brink of civil war, and actively encouraging violence against political activists and the free press,” Lamb said. “That’s extremely troubling to Representative Rice, as it should be to all law-abiding gun-owners and NRA members.”