
Here are the House incumbents not running for reelection in 2024 

A number of incumbent House lawmakers have announced they will not seek another term in office.

The announcements ring in a likely season of retirement decisions, as Democrats and Republicans weigh their futures and seek to give their potential successors time to campaign.

While some of those leaving their House seats are vying for the Senate or different offices, others are simply getting ready for a life outside politics.

Here are the House members who say they won’t be running for reelection in 2024. 

Democrats retiring from office (11)

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.) 

Blumenauer announced he will not run for reelection after serving Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District for 27 years. 

Blumenauer, 75, said it was a “difficult decision” to not run for reelection, telling Willamette Week in Portland that he is leaving Congress “to be more present” in his community. 

“I’m not certain that two more years in Congress in this climate is the best way to deal with things I care about,” Blumenauer told the publication prior to his formal announcement. 

His district, which includes north Portland and much of its southeast, is a solidly Democratic district that has a Cook Political Report rating of D+22, an indication the seat is likely to stay in Democratic hands in 2024. 

Blumenauer was elected to the House in 1996 in a special election to fill the seat of Democrat Ron Wyden, who left the lower chamber for his current seat in the Senate. 

Rep. Tony Cárdenas (Calif.)

Cárdenas announced in November he will not run for reelection in 2024 after nearly three decades in public service.

Cárdenas, 60, told the Los Angeles Times he thinks he is at the age where he has “enough energy and experience to maybe do something [different]” where he doesn’t have to be in Washington, D.C., 32 weeks out of the year.

Cárdenas was first elected to the U.S. House in 2013 to represent California’s 29th Congressional District, making him the first Latino elected to represent the San Fernando Valley. 

Cárdenas’s district in deep blue California leans heavily towards Democrats with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report labeling it as a “solid Democrat” district with a rating of D+26. 

The seat will likely stay in Democrats’ hands, though it could be a crowded race. 

Rep. Anna Eshoo (Calif.)

Eshoo, who has represented a Northern California district for more than three decades, announced Nov. 21 that she won’t seen another term.

“I’m choosing this beautiful season of Thanksgiving to announce that I will not seek reelection and I do so with a heart filled with unending gratitude to you, my magnificent constituents,” Eshoo, 80, said in a video posted to social media.

Eshoo said 66 of her bills had been signed into law by five different presidents and touted advancements in women’s health, the creation of two federal agencies devoted to biology, technology improvements and efforts to combat climate change.

She was first elected in 1992 in the “Year of the Woman” and was the first woman and first Democrat to hold her seat.

Rep. Brian Higgins (N.Y.)

Higgins, 64, announced in November he would step down from the lower chamber before the end of his current term, citing frustrations with Congress.

“I’ve always been a little impatient, and that trait has helped us deliver remarkable progress for this community ,” Higgins said in a statement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. “But the pace in Washington, D.C. can be slow and frustrating, especially this year. Therefore, after thoughtful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to leave Congress and explore other ways I can build up and serve Buffalo and Western New York.” 

Higgins said he will step down in February, months before the expected end to his 10th term in Congress in 2025.

He has served 19 years in Congress and represents New York’s 26th Congressional District, a race that will likely stay in Democratic hands. Cook Political Report considers the race “solid Democrat,” with a rating of D+9.

His early departure will likely pave the way for a special election for the seat in the spring. 

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.)

Kildee, 65, will not seek reelection in 2024, saying his cancer diagnosis earlier this year sparked a need to reassess his career plans. 

“For most of this year, I saw myself continuing to serve and was actively planning another campaign. But there are times in all our lives that make you reassess your own future and path,” he said in a statement. “For me, being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year was one of those moments. Thankfully, earlier this year I had successful surgery and I’m cancer-free.”

“But after spending time with my wife, children and grandchildren and contemplating our future, the time has come for me to step back from public office,” he continued. “Running for office, ultimately, is a personal decision first. And this was not an easy decision to make. But I know it’s the right one for me and for my family.”

Kildee’s retirement opens up a competitive seat in the heart of Michigan to represent the state’s 8th Congressional District. The seat was considered “lean Democratic” according to the Cook Political Report before the announcement. His retirement likely moves the seat to a toss-up for 2024. 

Rep. Derek Kilmer (Wash.)

Kilmer, 49, announced he would not run for reelection in early November.

Kilmer has served Washington’s 6th Congressional District since 2013. He previously served in the Washington state Senate for five years and the Washington state House for two. 

“I’ve looked at life in chapters. The decade I spent working in economic development. The eight years I spent in the Washington State Legislature,” Kilmer said in a statement on not seeking reelection. “The nearly eleven years I’ve already spent in the U.S. House of Representatives. I never intended for this chapter to be something I’d do for the rest of my life, and – as I shared with my kids – I’m excited to start a new chapter when my term is complete.”

Kilmer previously served as the chair of the New Democrat Coalition from 2019 to 2021 and was the chair of the House Modernization Committee from 2019 to 2023. 

Kilmer’s district is considered “solid Democrat” by the Cook Political Report, at a rating of D+6. 

Rep. Kathy Manning (N.C.)

Manning said she won’t be running for reelection in 2024, citing the “egregiously gerrymandered” congressional maps in North Carolina. 

“I would love nothing more than to continue representing our community in Congress. Unfortunately, the egregiously gerrymandered maps do not make this race competitive, and I cannot in good conscience ask people to invest their time, resources and efforts in a campaign that is rigged against us,” Manning said in a statement.

Manning appeared to be open to future service, adding, “if the impending lawsuits are successful and the General Assembly is forced to draw fair congressional districts, I will seek to continue my service to our community.”

Manning, 67, is in her second term representing North Carolina’s 6th Congressional District. Under new GOP-led congressional lines approved in October, Manning was widely expected to be threatened by the new map. 

Cook Political Report rated the race as “solid Republican.”  

In leaving the House, Manning joins fellow North Carolina Democrat Rep. Jeff Jackson, who announced in October he would not pursue reelection and instead for the state’s attorney general. He railed against the new maps, calling them “blatant corruption.”  

Rep. Grace Napolitano (Calif.) 

Napolitano will retire at the end of her term after 25 years in Congress. Napolitano, 86, was first elected to Congress in 1998 and is the oldest member of the House. 

While she moved districts several times because of redistricting, she has represented portions of eastern Los Angeles throughout her career. She represents California’s 31st Congressional District, which is likely to stay in Democratic hands in 2024.

Rep. Wiley Nickel (N.C.)

Nickel won’t run for reelection, arguing the Republicans who approved North Carolina’s new congressional maps “rigged the system” in the party’s favor.

“Republicans have rigged the system to favor themselves and I don’t have a path to run for re-election in the 13th district,” Nickel said in a statement shared to X. “But I’m not giving up and neither should you. Next year, I’m going to be working to elect North Carolina Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024. Then, in January I’m going to look to flip our US Senate seat blue.” 

Nickel, 48, is in his first term as representative for North Carolina’s 13 District, which Cook Political Report now labels as “solid Republican” race under the redrawn maps.

Nickel joins the growing number of North Carolina Democrats who are citing the new maps as the reason for not running in 2024.

Rep. John Sarbanes (Md.) 

Sarbanes announced in October he will not run for reelection in 2024, saying he is being drawn back to his previous work with nonprofits and volunteering in his community.

Sarbanes, 61, has represented Maryland’s 3rd Congressional District since 2007. It was previously held by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.).

Sarbanes’s seat is likely safe for Democrats in 2024, with Cook Political Report forecasting the race will be “solid Democrat” with a rating of D+10. 

Rep. Jennifer Wexton (Va.) 

Wexton announced in September she will not seek reelection in 2024 in light of worsening health challenges. 

Wexton, 55, revealed in April she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. In September, the Virginia Democrat said her diagnosis changed to progressive supranuclear palsy, which she described as “Parkinson’s on steroids.” 

“I’m heartbroken to have to give up something I have loved after so many years of serving my community,” Wexton said in a statement. “But taking into consideration the prognosis for my health over the coming years, I have made the decision not to seek reelection once my term is complete and instead spend my valued time with Andrew, our boys, and my friends and loved ones.”

Wexton was elected in 2018 to represent Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, which will likely stay Democratic in 2024, per Cook Political Report. 

Democrats seeking other offices (12)

Rep. Colin Allred (Texas)

Allred announced earlier this year he will run for the Democratic nomination to challenge Sen. Ted Cruz (R). 

In his announcement for his Senate bid, Allred said he was prepared to “take on anyone who came through” during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and pointed to a comment from a rioter who said he believed Cruz “would want us to do this.” 

Allred, 40, is in his third term as a representative for Texas’s 32nd Congressional District, which Cook Political Report lists as “solid Democrat” with a rating of D+14.

Allred’s Senate bid could be an uphill challenge, however, as Texas has not elected a Democratic senator in 30 years. Acknowledging this, Allred said “someone like me was never supposed to get this far” and that he has “taken down a lot tougher guys than Ted Cruz.” 

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (Del.) 

Blunt Rochester will not run for her seat in the House but instead for Delaware’s seat in the Senate, which will be left vacant by Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), who is retiring.

Blunt Rochester has represented Delaware’s at-large congressional district since 2017, and she was the first woman and first African American to represent Delaware in Congress. The Cook Political Report rates the at-large district as “solid Democrat.” 

In her announcement for her Senate bid in June, Blunt Rochester pointed to several themes used by Democrats in 2022, including abortion and threats to democracy during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. 

Rep. Ruben Gallego (Ariz.) 

Gallego will not seek reelection in the House but will instead run for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s (I-Ariz.) seat in the higher chamber. 

Announcing his Senate bid last January, Gallego pointed to his pursuit of the “American dream” during his childhood and said “too many Arizonans see their dream slipping away.” 

The 47-year-old Democrat was first elected to the House in 2014 to represent Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District. With a Cook Political Rating of D+24, it is likely the seat will remain in Democratic hands in 2024. 

Rep. Jeff Jackson (N.C.) 

Jackson will throw his hat in the ring for North Carolina’s attorney general in 2024 after just one term in the House.

Jackson, 41, a former local prosecutor, ex-state senator and Afghan war veteran, won an open House seat in 2022 for North Carolina’s 14th Congressional District.

At the time, the district leaned Democratic, but the GOP-led state Legislature has since approved new redrawn maps that makes the district more favorable for Republicans.

“A group of politicians in North Carolina just redrew my congressional district to take me out. They’re going to replace me with one of their political allies,” Jackson said when announcing his decision in October, per The Associated Press. “That’s political corruption. And I’ve got news for them. I’m running for attorney general, and I’m going to use that job to go after political corruption.”

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein (D) announced earlier this year that he would be running for the state’s governorship.

Rep. Andy Kim (N.J.) 

Kim announced in September he would not run for his seat in the House and will instead challenge Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who is facing a federal indictment on corruption charges.

Kim, 41, was the first congressional member from New Jersey to call on Menendez to resign in the wake of the allegations. Menendez has pushed back against the charges and said he has no plans to step down from the Senate despite repeated calls from his Democratic colleagues. 

Kim, who represents New Jersey’s newly drawn 3rd Congressional District, said his Senate bid was “not something he expected,” while noting New Jersey “deserves better.” 

“I believe more than ever that New Jersey needs hard working, trustworthy leaders focused on the common good and injecting some integrity and civility back into our politics,” Kim wrote in his announcement.

Kim is in his third term in the lower chamber after being first elected in 2018. His district represents parts of southern and central New Jersey, with the newly drawn maps including more Democratic voters than the previous district’s boundaries, per The Associated Press.  Cook Political Report rates the district as “likely Democrat” with a score of D+5. 

Rep. Barbara Lee (Calif.) 

Lee is part of the crowded race to replace the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Feinstein died in September at her home in Washington, D.C., at the age of 90, though she had already announced she was not running for reelection next year.

In launching her Senate bid in February, Lee, 77,  said she is running for the higher chamber because “Californians deserve a strong, progressive leader who has accomplished real things and delivered real change.”

Lee has served California’s 12th District since 1998.

Sen. Laphonza Butler, the former president of EMILY’s List, is currently filling Feinstein’s seat until the 2024 election. 

Rep. Dean Phillips (Minn.)

Phillips will not seek another term in Congress as he pursues a long-shot primary challenge to President Biden in the 2024 election.

“It’s been the most joyful experience of my life representing the most civically engaged community in the nation in Congress,” Phillips said on X, formerly Twitter. “But it’s time to pass the torch, it’s time for change, and our best days are yet to come!”

Phillips, 54, was first elected in 2018 to represent Minnesota’s 3rd District, which is likely to stay in Democrat hands, according to the Cook Political Report.

Phillip’s presidential bid, launched in October, drew criticism from Democrats who argued it would harm Biden’s reelection chances. Phillips has argued it is time for Biden, 81, to “pass the torch” to the next generation of leaders.

Rep. Katie Porter (Calif.) 

Porter also has eyes on replacing Feinstein. She announced in January that she would run for the open Senate seat in deep-blue California.  

In her announcement, which came before Feinstein announced her retirement, Porter said “it’s time for new leadership in the U.S. Senate” and the Golden Gate State “needs a warrior in Washington.” 

Porter, 49, was elected to the House in California’s 45th Congressional District in 2018. As part of California’s’ redistricting, Porter now serves the 47th Congressional District, which leans Democrat. 

Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) 

Schiff jumped into the California Senate race last January with the hopes of replacing Feinstein.

Schiff is serving his 12th term representing California’s 30th Congressional District, which is rated as “solid Democrat” by Cook Political Report. 

In announcing his Senate bid earlier this year, Schiff said the U.S. Senate needs a fighter “who has been at the center of the struggle for our democracy and our economy.” 

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (Mich.) 

Slotkin launched a bid to succeed Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) earlier this year, just months after she was reelected to a third term in the 2022 midterm elections. 

Slotkin, 47, said the Senate needs “a new generation of leaders that thinks differently, works harder, and never forgets that we are public servants.”

Slotkin represents Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, which is forecast to be a “toss up” race.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.)

Spanberger launched a bid for Virginia governor in November, announcing she will not seek reelection to the House next year.

In her campaign announcement, Spanberger said she knows “how to bring people together” at a time when the nation is at “a crossroads.”

Spanberger, 44, is serving her third term in the House after first being elected in 2018 to represent Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. 

In the wake of her announcement, the Cook Political Report shifted the forecast for the district race from “likely Democrat” to “lean Democrat” with a rating of D+1. 

Rep. David Trone (Md.) 

Trone is seeking Sen. Ben Cardin’s (D-Md.) seat in the Senate after Cardin announced he would not seek reelection.

Trone said he is running for Senate “because the clock is ticking,” pointing to issues like drug overdoses, mental illness and the high incarcerate rate of Black people in the U.S. 

Trone has represented Maryland’s 6th Congressional District, which includes the northern suburbs of Washington since 2019. Cook Political Report predicted the race for Trone’s seat will be “likely Democrat” in 2024, meaning it is not considered competitive at this point but could become so ahead of the election. 

Republicans retiring from office (15)

Rep. Larry Bucshon (Ind.)

Bucshon will retire at the end of his term in early 2025 after serving in Congress since 2011.

“Scripture teaches us, ‘For everything there is a season,’ and it became clear to me over the Christmas holiday with much discernment and prayer that the time has come to bring my season in public service to a conclusion,” Bucshon said in a statement. “Therefore, I will not seek reelection to an eighth term and conclude my service in the House of Representatives at the end of the 118th Congress.”

Bucshon, 61, represents Indiana’s 8th Congressional District, a “solid Republican” district, according to the Cook Political Report. He won his most recent reelection bids with over 65 percent of the vote in 2020 and 2022.

He serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and is also a member of the subcommittees of Health, Energy and Consumer Protection and Commerce.

Rep. Ken Buck (Colo.) 

Buck was the second Republican to announce he won’t run for reelection, just hours after Rep. Kay Granger (Texas) announced her plans. 

Buck, who is a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, pointed to the election denialism within his party in a video announcement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. 

“Our nation is on a collision course with reality and a steadfast commitment to truth, even uncomfortable truth, is the only way forward,” he said. “Too many Republican leaders are lying to America, claiming that the 2020 election was stolen, describing Jan. 6 as an unguided tour of the Capitol and asserting that the ensuing prosecutions are a weaponization of our justice system.” 

The 64-year-old lawmaker was first elected to Congress in 2014 to represent Colorado’s 4th District. The district voted for former President Trump by nearly 19 points in 2020, a signal the Republican primary candidate is likely to win Buck’s seat. 

Rep. Michael Burgess (Texas)

Burgess announced in November he will not seek reelection in 2024, opening up another Dallas-area seat in the 2024 House elections.

Burgess, 72, was first elected to Congress in 2002 and practiced medicine for nearly three decades earlier.

The Texas Republican said he will serve the remainder of his term until January 2025 and did not provide a reason for his retirement.

Burgess represents Texas’s 26 Congressional District, which is likely to stay in Republican hands. Cook Political Report labels the district as “solid Republican” with a rating of R+13.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (S.C.)

Duncan will retire from the House at the end of his term after 14 years in the lower chamber.

In his announcement in January, Duncan said it is time for new leadership and “fresh ideas” in South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District.

“At some point in a career, one needs to step aside and allow others to bring fresh ideas and abilities into the fight for Liberty, just as I have,” he wrote in a statement. “Representing the 3rd District of South Carolina in this capacity has been a privilege and honor.”

Duncan, 58, was first elected to Congress in 2010 as part of the Tea Party wave that handed Republicans control of the House. He previously served in the South Carolina House of Representatives for eight years.

The South Carolina Republican serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and is the chair of the Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security. He is also a member of the House Freedom Caucus and was a vocal advocate for steep spending cuts and limiting federal spending.

His South Carolina seat is very likely to stay in Republican hands, with a Cook Political Report score of R+21 for his district. Former President Trump won the area by over 30 percentage points in 2020.

Rep. Drew Ferguson (Ga.)

Ferguson, 57, revealed in December  he will not run for reelection in 2024. He did not provide a reason for the choice, but said he is looking forward to spending more time with his family.

“Serving the wonderful constituents of Georgia’s Third District has been the honor of a lifetime. I have been blessed to have worked with such a talented and dedicated staff in my District and D.C. offices,” Ferguson said in an announcement. “Georgia is truly a special place, and it’s calling us home. Julie and I look forward to spending more time with our children and grandchildren while continuing to work to keep Georgia the best state in America to live and do business.”

Ferguson currently represents Georgia’s 3 Congressional District, which will likely stay in Republican hands in 2024, Cook Political Report forecasts.

Rep. Kay Granger (Texas) 

Granger will not seek to take back her seat in 2024, capping off 14 terms in the House. The veteran Republican lawmaker said she will serve the remainder of term, which will expire Jan. 3, 2025 — exactly 28 years since she was sworn into the lower chamber. 

Granger, 80, was elected in 1997 to represent the 12th Congressional District of Texas after previously serving as the first female mayor of Fort Worth.  

In her announcement, Granger said she is “encouraged by the next generation of leaders” in her district.

“It’s time for the next generation to step up and take the mantle and be a strong and fierce representative for the people,” Granger said.

Granger’s district in north Texas tends to lean conservative and is expected to remain in Republican control in the 2024 election. 

Rep. Bill Johnson (Ohio)

Johnson will not seek an eighth term in Congress and will instead take up a position as the president of Youngstown University.

“After much thought and prayerful deliberation, I have accepted the offer to lead Youngstown State University and will not be seeking an 8th term in Congress,” Johnson wrote in a statement. “As I’ve stated previously, I wasn’t looking for another job, because I love the one I have serving the people of Eastern Ohio in the U.S. House. This was an extremely difficult decision.”

Johnson, 69, was elected to Ohio’s 6th Congressional District in 2010. The seat is likely to stay in Republican control, with Cook Political Report rating the race as “solid Republican.”

He was initially slated to resign before mid-March, but confirmed at the beginning of 2024 he will resign earlier than expected on Jan. 2.

Rep. Doug Lamborn (Colo.)

Lamborn announced at the beginning of 2024 he will not run for reelection, freeing up all three of the state’s Republican-held congressional seats in the 2024 election.

“I’m not getting any younger,” Lamborn said during an interview on Richard Randall’s radio show. “I want to spend time with my children, grandchildren, with my wife. I want to look for opportunities to do good.”

Lamborn, 69, is in his ninth term and was the longest-serving Republican in his state’s delegation.

He represents Colorado’s 5th Congressional District, which is solidly Republican with a Cook Political Report score of R+9.

Rep. Debbie Lesko (Ariz.) 

Lesko said she won’t run for reelection because “Washington, D.C. is broken.” 

Lesko, 64, said she also wants to spend more time with her family.

“Spending, on average, three weeks out of every month away from my family, and traveling back and forth to Washington, D.C. almost every weekend is difficult,” she wrote in a statement.

Lesko was sworn into Congress in 2018 after winning a special election to fill the seat left by former Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.). She was voted into a full term in November 2018. 

A Republican candidate will likely fill her seat for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District given the district’s lean. 

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (Miss.)

Luetkemeyer announced in January he will retire at the end of his term at the end of 2024. 

“It has been an honor to serve the great people of the Third Congressional District and State of Missouri these past several years. However, after a lot of thoughtful discussion with my family, I have decided to not file for re-election and retire at the end of my term in December,” Luetkemeyer, 71, said in a statement posted on X.

Luetkemeyer, 71, was elected to Congress in 2009 and represents Missouri’s 3rd Congressional District, which includes areas to the north, south and west of St. Louis. The area is considered solidly Republican. 

He is currently a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee and was seen as a top contender to replace House Financial Services Committee Chair Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), who is also leaving Congress at the end of his term.

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.)

McCarthy, the first House Speaker to be ousted from the top spot, announced in December he will depart the House at the end of 2023.

The California Republican announced his decision in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, saying he will leave the lower chamber “to serve America in new ways.”

“I will continue to recruit our country’s best and brightest to run for elected office. The Republican Party is expanding every day, and I am committed to lending my experience to support the next generation of leaders,” he added.

His decision comes two months after he was removed from his role as Speaker in a historic 216-210 vote. All House Democrats and eight Republicans voted to remove the Speaker’s gavel from the 58-year-old lawmaker.

McCarthy came to Congress in 2007 and served in various GOP leadership positions along the years. He currently serves California’s 20th District, which Cook Political Report rates as a “solid Republican” race.

McCarthy’s announcement came just days ahead of California’s filing deadline.

Rep. Patrick McHenry (N.C.)

McHenry announced in December he will retire at the end of the 188th Congress, capping off McHenry’s nearly two-decade tenure in Congress.

“I will be retiring from Congress at the end of my current term,” McHenry wrote in a statement. “This is not a decision I come to lightly, but I believe there is a season for everything and—for me—this season has come to an end.”

McHenry, 48, was thrown into the national spotlight in October when he served as the Speaker pro tempore following the historic ousting of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)

The North Carolina Republican serves as the chair of the Financial Services Committee and was first elected to the U.S. House in 2004.

He currently serves North Carolina’s 10th Congressional District, which Cook labels as a “Solid Republican” district with a rating of R+22.

Rep. Greg Pence (Ind.)

Pence will retire from Congress at the end of his term after six years in the lower chamber.

“In 2017, I ran for Congress because I was Ready to Serve Again,” Pence wrote in a statement on X. “As a former Marine Officer, I approached the job with purpose.” 

Pence said his team will focus the remainder of his term “on delivering outstanding constituent services.”

Pence, 67, was first elected to the House in 2018 to serve Indiana’s 6th Congressional District, which is likely to stay in Republican hands. The Cook Political Report categorizes the district as “solid Republican,” with a rating of R+19.

He is the brother of former Vice President Mike Pence, and found himself involved with his brother’s ongoing tensions with former President Trump over the former vice president’s refusal to overturn the 2020 election results.

Rep. Victoria Spartz (Ind.) 

Spartz will retire from her seat representing Indiana’s 5th District.

“I won a lot of tough battles for the people and will work hard to win a few more in the next two years. However, being a working mom is tough and I need to spend more time with my two high school girls back home, so I will not run for any office in 2024,” Spartz wrote in her announcement last February. 

The Ukrainian-born lawmaker will depart from Congress after only two terms. She had replaced former Rep. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.) Despite speculation, Spartz has passed on a bid for Indiana’s open Senate seat left vacant by Sen. Mike Braun (R).

Spartz’s retirement means an open race in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, which the Cook Political Report forecasts will be “solid Republican.” 

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (Ohio)

Wenstrup, 65, won’t seek reelection in the House next year and said in November he will retire from Congress “at the end of the year.”

“I’m just a fortunate guy who’s been blessed with a wonderful wife, and two loving children under the age of 11,” Wenstrup said in a video posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “I’m blessed with good health, and I look forward to fighting for truth, justice and the American way, in whatever I do in the future.”

Wenstrup was first elected to Congress in 2013 to represent Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District, which has a heavy lean towards Republicans. Cook Political Report labels the race as “solid Republican” with a rating of R+25.

Republicans seeking other offices (5)

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (N.D.)

Armstrong launched a bid for North Dakota’s governor and will not run for reelection, leaving open the state’s sole House seat.

Armstrong, 47, announced his gubernatorial bid in January in what’s expected to be a competitive race among Republicans in the Peace Garden State.

“I’ll take the experience I’ve gained fighting for North Dakota in DC, to help increase opportune city and success here in our state,” he wrote in a statement . “And I am excited to get back here and work with people who are interested in finding solutions not exploiting problems for political gain.”

His office confirmed to The Hill he will not seek another term in the House but intends to continue serving in the seat while pursuing the governorship.

Armstrong, 47, was first elected to the House in 2018 after serving six years in the state Senate and as chair of the North Dakota Republican Party.

Former state Rep. Rick Becker and Democrat Trygve Hammer, a military veteran, have already announced bids for the at-large seat.

North Dakota’s at-large district is solidly Republican, and the Cook Political Report labels the district as R+20

Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.) 

Banks is running for the Senate seat being vacated by Braun, who is running for governor in the Hoosier State. 

In his announcement last January, Banks said, “We NEED conservatives in Washington who aren’t afraid to fight Biden’s radical agenda … That’s why I am running to represent our great state of Indiana in the United States Senate.”

Banks, 44, was elected to serve Indiana’s 3rd District in 2016. He previously served in the Indiana state Senate for six years. Banks’s district is considered a “solid Republican” race with a Cook Political rating of R+18. 

Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.)

Bishop will run for North Carolina’s attorney general instead of seeking reelection for his seat.

“For several many other reasons, it just seemed after careful deliberation by Jo, my wife, and me over the course of many months, we decided this is the right thing for me to do to come back to North Carolina,” he said on WBT Radio’s podcast, “Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman” in October. 

Bishop, 59, was elected to Congress in 2019 and has come out as a prominent member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus. 

He represents North Carolina’s 8th District, which leans red with a Cook Political Report rating of R+20. 

Rep. John Curtis (Utah)

Curtis started the new year off in January by announcing he will run for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah.)

Speaking with KSL-TV in January, he pointed to his record of passing bills and experience as a three-term lawmaker. 

“I bring that, and then I also bring a Utah focus. People know that I’m not the guy who wakes up and tries to get on TV at night. I wake up and say, ‘What can I do for the district?’ And I think people have really appreciated that,” he said, according to KSL-TV.

Curtis, the former mayor of Provo, Utah, was elected to the U.S. House in 2017 to represent Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. The district, which covers the Provo area, is solidly Republican with a Cook Political Report rating of R+13.  

Rep. Alex Mooney (W.Va.) 

Mooney will not seek a sixth House term, but instead will challenge Sen. Joe Manchin (D).

Launching his Senate bid last year, Mooney said he was “all in” and hammered Manchin as a “liberal Democrat.” 

Mooney, 52, is serving his fifth term in the House. His district is considered “solid Republican” by the Cook Political Report with a score of R+22.

Republican expelled from the House

Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.)

Santos was expelled from the House on Dec. 1 after more than two-thirds of those present voted to remove him from Congress.

Santos has previously said he would not run for reelection, an announcement he made in November shortly after the House Ethics Committee released a scathing report over “substantial evidence” that showed the embattled lawmaker “violated federal crimes.”

Santos had avoided expulsion twice amid a series of legal fights. He faces a total of 23 federal charges alleging he inflated campaign finance reports, charged donors’ credit cards without authorization and fraudulently received unemployment benefits.

Santos admitted earlier this year to embellishing parts of his background while campaigning but rejected calls to resign.  

Santos flipped New York’s 3rd Congressional District from Democrat to Republican in 2022. The Cook Political Report said it is a lean-Democrat seat for the 2024 cycle.

Updated: Jan. 23 at 6:27 p.m.

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