
Pelosi makes Trump photo of ‘meltdown’ her new Twitter cover photo

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) changed her Twitter cover photo Wednesday to the now-viral image of her standing at a table across from a seated President Trump that the president himself had tweeted earlier in the evening.

Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, noted the change in a tweet, thanking Trump for the image.

“Thanks for the new cover photo @realDonaldTrump!” he tweeted.

Pelosi and other Democratic leaders said they left a White House meeting Wednesday after Trump insulted Pelosi and was confrontational during a meeting intended to discuss his decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria.

{mosads}Trump later posted a photo of the meeting, showing a standing Pelosi addressing Trump and his Cabinet members across a long table, calling it evidence that the Speaker had a “meltdown” during the discussion.

Pelosi, at a press conference, accused Trump of ignoring the reality of the bipartisan outrage surrounding his decision to pull U.S. forces out of the site of a Turkish invasion of Kurdish-held northern Syria.

“I pray for the president all the time, and I tell him that. I pray for his safety and that of his family. Now we have to pray for his health because this was a very serious meltdown on the part of the president,” she said.