Audience members at Friday’s impeachment inquiry broke into applause after former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch concluded her testimony.
Even as Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) repeatedly asked to be recognized, audience members applauded Yovanovitch and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gaveled the second public impeachment hearing closed.
Conaway’s microphone was turned off after he tried to interrupt Schiff immediately after Schiff gaveled the hearing closed, with Conaway citing the need to push back against “disparaging remarks” by Schiff against the Republicans.
As Schiff gaveled out, Conaway requested recognition, telling Schiff that “you disparaged members on this side of the aisle, we should have a chance to respond to your remarks.”
Schiff did not respond to Conaway, while Conaway continued to say “Mr. Chairman” multiple times to get his attention until Conaway’s microphone was turned off.
Conaway’s comments were also partially drowned out by clapping in the room for Yovanovitch, with many attendees, including committee Democrats, giving her a standing ovation for her testimony.
Yovanovitch offered testimony on her ouster as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. She criticized a shadowy effort aimed at discrediting her that appeared to be led by Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney.
The most dramatic moment of the more than six-hour hearing came when Trump tweeted criticism of Yovanovitch during the hearing. Schiff then read the tweet to Yovanovitch, who offered her response.
The episode added to the sympathy many members already appeared to feel for the former ambassador. Members of both parties repeatedly credited her for her public service during the hearing.