
Poll: Opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points

Opposition by independents to the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry jumped 10 percentage points in the last week, according to a Politico–Morning Consult poll released Tuesday.

The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent.

Support for the inquiry among all respondents fell 2 points to 48 percent, while opposition to it rose 3 points to 45 percent.  

The latest poll comes as the House launched a second week of public testimony on Tuesday, with Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Jennifer Williams, an aide to Vice President Pence, appearing in the morning.

The poll also showed that 48 percent of respondents support the House impeaching President Trump, compared to 44 percent who oppose it, while 47 percent backed the Senate removing the president from office.

The Politico–Morning Consult poll surveyed 1,994 registered voters from Nov. 15 to 17. The margin of error is of 2 percentage points.


Tags Alexander Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment impeachment inquiry independents Joe Biden Morning Consult poll

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