
House Judiciary Republicans mockingly tweet ‘Happy Birthday’ to Hillary Clinton after Barrett confirmation

House Judiciary Committee Republicans mockingly tweeted “Happy Birthday” to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court by the Senate.

The tweet came shortly after Barrett was confirmed in a 52-48 Senate vote, with Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) the only Republican to buck party lines and oppose the nominee. 

Barrett was later sworn in at a White House ceremony with President Trump and Justice Clarence Thomas. Barrett will take her judicial oath on Tuesday in a private ceremony with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. 

Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio), a top ally of President Trump, is the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Other GOP committee members include Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner (Wis.), Steve Chabot (Ohio), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Doug Collins (Ga.) and Debbie Lesko (Ariz.).

Clinton had condemned Barrett’s confirmation on Monday night, responding by calling on Americans to vote GOP senators out.

Clinton celebrated her 73rd birthday on Monday.