
Pelosi: GOP ‘brought dishonor to the House’ for supporting election lawsuit

Bonnie Cash

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) hammered House Republicans who joined onto a lawsuit from Texas seeking to overturn the results of the presidential election in four battleground states.

Pelosi hailed the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the suit, which sought to subvert the results from Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but noted that 126 Republican House members signed onto the suit, which was based on spurious claims of voter fraud. Among the Republicans who jumped onto the suit were House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the No. 2 House Republican.

“The 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House. Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions,” Pelosi said in a statement

“The pandemic is raging, with nearly 300,000 having died and tens of millions having lost jobs,” she added. “Strong, unified action is needed to crush the virus, and Republicans must once and for all end their election subversion – immediately.” 

The rebuke came after the high court shot down the suit from Texas, which 17 other state attorneys general signed on to. 

The defeat marked the most stinging setback in the GOP’s efforts to overturn the election results, which is facing a vanishing window given the upcoming meeting of the Electoral College on Monday when the tallies will be certified.

The court ruled that Texas lacked the legal right to litigate over how other states conduct their elections. 

“Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,” the ruling states. “All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Republicans in Congress have been overwhelmingly supportive of Trump’s legal efforts even though most of his suits have been shot down over lack of evidence or standing.

A handful of House members and at least one senator have floated the idea of fighting the Electoral College results when they are brought to Congress in January, though those efforts face a steep uphill climb to succeed.

Tags 2020 election 2020 election legal challenges Kevin McCarthy Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Steve Scalise

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