
Pelosi’s office vandalized after pro-Trump rioters storm Capitol

Supporters of President Trump vandalized Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office Wednesday after storming the Capitol in protest of the certification of the Electoral College results.

A member of the mob was photographed sitting at a desk in Pelosi’s suite of offices, an American flag draped on a desk behind him.

Rioters flipped over tables and tore down photographs from the walls, according to The New York Times.

The scene came amid unprecedented chaos on Capitol Hill as supporters of the outgoing president forced their way into the building, disrupting the debates over the certification of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory and causing lawmakers and Vice President Pence to be evacuated to safety.

Multiple outlets reported at least one person had been shot amid the ongoing violence.

Pelosi joined Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) in calling on Trump to demand protesters to leave the Capitol. 

Republicans, including staunch Trump allies like Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas), Tom Cotton (Ark.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.) also urged an end to the chaos. 

Trump tweeted for supporters to be “peaceful” amid the violence, but did not call for them to leave the Capitol.