
Capitol fencing to be removed within days: report

Remaining fencing around the Capitol that has been up since the Jan. 6 riot is set to be removed as early as next week, The Associated Press reported.

Three people close to the matter told the outlet that the U.S. Capitol Police Board has put in place a plan to remove the remaining fencing by July 9.

The Hill has reached out to the Capitol Police for comment. A spokesman for the department declined to discuss security details with the AP.

Capitol Police officials removed outer perimeter fencing in March that blocked cars and pedestrians from entering the area, but an interior fence has remained in place, with signs noting the area is closed.

The fencing has long drawn pushback from residents and local leaders in Washington, D.C., as well as members of Congress who complain it hinders the access of members of the public to their representatives.

The Capitol Police Board in February had reportedly recommended that the fencing remain in place through September as investigators continue to monitor threats toward lawmakers and the Capitol complex.

The fencing was erected immediately after the January mob attack on the Capitol. And weeks after outer fencing was removed in March, a car rammed into one of the barriers surrounding the Capitol complex, killing one Capitol Police officer and injuring another. The suspect was killed by police after he exited the vehicle with a knife and lunged at officers.

Federal authorities have arrested 500 people in connection with the Jan. 6 riot. On Wednesday, the House voted to create a select committee dedicated to investigating the insurrection.