
Fox News incorrectly claims MSNBC devoted no time to Steinle verdict

Fox News incorrectly claimed that MSNBC spent no time covering the verdict in the Kate Steinle trial.

In a tweet from the Fox News account, the network wrote: “‘0 Minutes’: MSNBC Ignores Kate Steinle Trial Verdict.”

Fox linked to an article which said MSNBC had “ignored the case’s verdict altogether.”

But MSNBC did report last week the verdict of the trial, according to videos and transcripts of the segment. A segment that aired on the network addressed the verdict and covered President Trump’s response.

“Fox & Friends” later issued a correction asserting that MSNBC covered the Stienle verdict for 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

A San Francisco jury last Thursday acquitted Jose Ines Garcia Zarate of murder and manslaughter charges in the fatal shooting of Steinle.

Zarate, who was in the U.S. illegally at the time of the shooting, had previously been deported five times. President Trump and other Republicans have used the case as a rallying cry for tougher immigration laws.

The court found Zarate not guilty of first- or second-degree murder or assault with a firearm. He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm and will be sentenced at a future date.

Trump last week called the verdict in the case “disgraceful.” On Sunday, he again ripped the verdict, saying it was a “total miscarriage of justice.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions blasted so-called sanctuary cities late Thursday after the verdict.

“When jurisdictions choose to return criminal aliens to the streets rather than turning them over to federal immigration authorities, they put the public’s safety at risk,” Sessions said in a statement.

– This story was updated at 5:56 p.m.