
Washington Post to end Sunday magazine

The Washington Post will cease production of its Sunday magazine and eliminate a number of editorial positions associated with the product.

Executive Editor Sally Buzbee wrote in an e-mail to staffers on Wednesday the move is part of the Post’s “global and digital transformation,” the outlet reported.

Several of the 10 magazine staffers who were informed in a Wednesday meeting their positions would be eliminated told the newspaper that Buzbee said the decision was “no reflection on the quality of your work,” but rather a result of “economic headwinds.”

The Post noted that five of the 40 stories that drew the most online readers over the past year were produced by the magazine, which has existed in its current form since 1986. 

The layoffs and shuttering of the Post magazine comes amid a time of heightened anxiety across news organizations about job reductions as a result of decreasing ad revenue and concerns across the industry about the broader economic outlook.

CNN earlier on Wednesday announced a series of layoffs in the coming days, and NPR reportedly informed its staffers of a hiring freeze it was implementing as a cost-cutting measure.