
Sean Hannity: Democrats trying to ‘scare women’ on abortion

Fox News host Sean Hannity accused Democrats of trying to “scare” women voters into thinking Republicans want a nationwide ban on abortion, which he said contributed to GOP losses in Tuesday night’s elections.

“Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances,” Hannity said on his nightly prime-time show after election results had come in Tuesday.

The host mentioned the sizable loss Republicans took in the 2022 Pennsylvania gubernatorial race, in which Republican Doug Mastriano advocated for strict abortion restrictions with no exceptions for rape or incest and lost by double digits.

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Hannity referred to himself as “pro life,” before conceding, “I understand that’s not where the country is.”

“I go back to Pennsylvania. … Women in America suburban moms want [abortion] probably legal and rare, and probably earlier than, you know, at the point of viability,” Hannity said.

Tuesday night in red-state Ohio, voters passed a ballot measure seeking to enshrine abortion protections into the state constitution.

Meanwhile in Virginia, Democrats won full control the Statehouse after campaigning heavily on women’s reproductive rights.

The losses Tuesday night for Republicans are seen as dealing a major blow to the party’s momentum ahead of the coming 2024 elections.