
New York Times names Tiffany Harness foreign policy editor

The New York Times has nabbed The Washington Post’s deputy national security editor Tiffany Harness for its new foreign policy editor, the paper announced Monday.

Harness starts in the role June 28 working for the Washington bureau and will edit the paper’s Pentagon, State Department and counterterrorism coverage, according to Washington bureau chief Elisabeth Bumiller.

Her purview will include stories about the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, Middle Eastern conflict and military culture.

She replaces Thom Shanker, who left to become the director of the Project for Media and National Security at the George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs

A Post spokesperson did not immediately answer questions from The Hill about who might replace Harness.

Prior to the national security position, Harness was on the Post’s foreign desk, working with correspondents in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

She has been with the Post for 20 years and has also worked for The Dallas Morning News and the Prague Post in the Czech Republic.