
Fox’s Cavuto jokes about ‘Adele rally’ for stocks

Fox News’s Neil Cavuto joked about singer Adele’s new song causing a good day for the stock market. 

“Look what it did for the markets today! They are calling it the Adele rally. Okay, maybe they are not, but I am,” Cavuto said. 

“That why I’m making a big deal out of all this. Not because of some weird, even disturbing obsession, although it does disturb my wife and so many others,” he quipped, but because it provides a “welcome distraction” from other events in the world.

Adele released the song “Easy On Me” on Thursday, and it has already surpassed 44 million views on YouTube. It is the first song the singer has released since 2015. 

“Adele! She’s back. There’s hope for the world,” Cavuto said. “You’re welcome, America.”

Adele’s last album in 2015 was the best selling album of the year and the fourth best selling album this century.