
Trump tweets pastor’s praise of his social media habits

President Trump on Saturday tweeted a quote from Pastor Robert Jeffress praising the president’s use of social media.

The tweet came around same time Trump’s defense team made its case rebutting allegations that the president committed impeachable offenses during the Senate impeachment trial Saturday morning. 

The president quoted Jeffress’s remarks that he made while on Lou Dobbs’s Fox Business show on Friday night, a conversation that spanned from Trump’s pro-life stance to his opponents on the impeachment stage.

According to Trump’s tweet, Jeffress said, “I like President Trump’s Tweets (Social Media), I like everything about him … and this Ukraine stuff, the trial, the impeachment, this isn’t about Ukraine.”

According to Trump’s tweet, Jeffress, who is also a member of the White House Faith Initiative, said that Trump had committed two unredeemable sins by Democrats’ standards: beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 and delivering on his promises to the American people.

The tweet continued, “They’re trying to get him out of office, and they’re not going to succeed.”

Trump then ended the quote and thanked the pastor for his words.

Trump made history recently being the first president to address the March for Life demonstrations in person on Friday. In Trump’s speech, the president said, “Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.”

His appearance at March for Life has been lauded by pro-life activists as well as the Christian community. Jeffress himself spoke positively about the president’s participation during his interview with Dobbs on Friday. 

“What the president is doing it’s certainly the right thing to do morally, he talked today about unborn children, reflecting the majesty of God,” he said.