
Video shows South Carolina college students crowding bar as COVID-19 cases spike

Video from Thursday night shows college students crowding a bar near the University of South Carolina, with many appearing to break social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines. 

The university’s student-run news station first reported on the video, saying students were going to the TLC Sports Bar because they knew coronavirus guidelines were not enforced.

SGTV later reported that police shut down the bar.  

The gathering comes as the university’s coronavirus tracker reports more than 1,400 active COVID-19 cases on campus. Students who have tested positive are being isolated, and students and student organizations behind large gatherings are facing discipline from university officials, including suspensions.

The university is offering a combination of online and face-to-face courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels this fall semester. 

In a statement, the university responded to the video, calling it “disappointing” and praising students who were not in the video who have been following coronavirus guidelines.