State Watch

Stacey Abrams expects Ossoff, Warnock win : ‘I put my money on blue’

Stacey Abrams on a Monday night episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” expressed her confidence in Democrats ahead of the Georgia runoff elections.

During her appearance on the show, the former Democratic gubernatorial candidate discussed mobilizing voters as well as her belief that Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock will secure a victory against Republican David Perdue — whose Senate term ended Sunday — and Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) in Georgia’s Senate runoff elections on Tuesday.

“I think we’re ready to get it done,” Abrams said. “I put my money on blue.”

Abrams told Colbert that she has seen record voter turnout among minorities and young people. She also expressed that a large number of voters turned out for the runoff election who did not vote during the November presidential election.

“We have seen incredible turn out from Democrats across the state [and] we have seen a diverse electorate the likes of which we haven’t seen in a runoff and we’re energized,” Abrams said. “People want COVID relief. They want good jobs. They want access to justice and they want Joe Biden to have a partner, not an obstructionist. And that means they need Kamala Harris not only to be the president of the Senate, but the tie-breaking vote so that we can get the things we need in this next term.”

The results of Tuesday’s race will determine whether control of the Senate will rest with the GOP or Democrats.

Former first lady Michelle Obama on Monday also called for Georgians to express their support for Ossoff and Warnock at the ballot box. 

“So if Georgians elect @ReverendWarnock and @Ossoff, we’ll take another step toward cleaning up the mess of the past four years. And we’ll send a message to any politician who puts themselves and their ambition above our system of self-government,” she wrote on Twitter.