
Poll: 48 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job in office

The latest poll of President Biden’s approval ratings found that 48 percent of Americans approve of the job he’s done since taking office almost 100 days ago, according to a Quinnipiac University study.

Comparatively, 42 percent of the 1,237 U.S. adults surveyed between April 8 and April 12 expressed disapproval of the 46th president.

A strong majority of Democrats polled expressed approval of Biden (94 percent), compared to 87 percent of Republicans disapprove. Of polled independents, 45 percent approved of Biden’s work in the White House while 40 percent disapproved.

Sitting atop the list of issues Americans believe Biden has tackled best is the COVID-19 pandemic.

A majority of those polled (64 percent) feel that Biden’s coronavirus response has been adequate, while 29 percent disapprove of the job he’s done on tackling the virus.

Upon taking office, Biden pledged the U.S. would have 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered before his 100th day in office. After passing that goal in March, the president upped the goal to 200 million. The vaccine rollout has since hit a snag, as the administration of the Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is put on pause.

Biden also fared well on the economy, earning a 50 percent approval rating and 42 percent disapproval.

The president performed the most poorly when polled on his gun policy and handling of the southern border.

On the issue of gun control, 39 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s response, and 49 percent disapprove. His work on the U.S.-Mexico border earned him the lowest approval rating, with 29 percent of Americans approving and 55 percent disapproving.

“Though he gets generally positive numbers on his domestic strides as he nears his first 100 days in office, the president is confronting the same political quagmire south of the border that bedeviled his predecessor,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy. “The border with Mexico, and the people trying to cross it, loom as a familiar crisis.”

The margin of error on the poll is plus or minus 2.8 percentage points. The remaining percentages of each poll represent those who did not offer an opinion.