
Cornyn faces boos at Texas GOP convention

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) was booed while delivering remarks during a Texas GOP convention in Houston, Texas, on Friday.

Boos from a crowd of people listening to his remarks could be heard from several videos posted on Twitter

Cornyn has an A-plus rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and is the top Republican negotiator in a group of bipartisan lawmakers working on a deal on gun legislation.

News outlet KHOU noted that he received boos at different points in his remarks. In particular, the boos came when he spoke about measures that could be included in the group’s final bill.

“More mental health resources more support for our schools and making sure that violent criminals and the mentally ill cannot buy a firearm,” Cornyn said about what could included in the bill, according to CNN.

“That primarily means enforcing current law. That’s what I’ve heard from many of you here today and this week, and that’s what we’re working on, nothing more, and nothing less.”

Cornyn’s office declined to comment on the matter to The Hill. 

His comments come amid continued Senate negotiations to nail down the final draft of the gun violence legislation after holding several meetings on Thursday.

At issue are two provisions that senators need to finalize, including one on the “boyfriend loophole,” which would block romantic partners from owning a firearm if they have been convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse claims, and a proposal that would provide state funding for red flag laws.  

Senators are anxious to finalize the legislative text, which comes in the wake of several high-profile shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., Uvalde, Texas, and Tulsa, Okla.