
Feinstein posts testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has posted the entire transcript of closed-door testimony that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson made to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Fusion GPS last week demanded that the full transcript be released, sparking a fight with Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) over who was standing in the way of the document being released. 

The Senate Judiciary Committee interviewed Simpson in August as part of its investigation into Russia’s election interference. 


Simpson has emerged as a central figure in the probes into Russian election interference after his firm helped assemble a controversial dossier tying President Trump to Russia.

Former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele compiled the document, which includes unverified allegations against Trump and his links to Moscow.

GOP senators have recommended that Steele face a criminal investigation.

Read the transcript of Simpson’s testimony below: