
Sanders: ‘Trump’s agenda is dead’ if Democrats win back majority

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) predicted on Friday that President Trump’s agenda would be dead if Democrats win a majority in either the House or Senate in the upcoming midterm elections, The New York Times reported.

“If Democrats control either the House or the Senate, Trump’s agenda is dead,” Sanders told the Times.

Sanders also criticized Democratic Party organizations, including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, for not doing enough to support liberal grass-roots candidates.


“The establishment Democrats are still, I think, looking toward candidates who can self-fund,” Sanders, a possible 2020 presidential candidate, said.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Sanders was able to successfully fund his campaign mainly through small online donations.

Sanders also told the Times that Democrats shouldn’t think conservative Democratic candidates have a better chance to win elections, noting that Americans have been receptive to progressive ideas like universal health care.

Sanders said he plans to make endorsements for the 2018 elections but declined to endorse either New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) or his challenger from the left, actress Cynthia Nixon.