
Schumer: GOP must push back against Trump on Russia

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday said that Republicans should “push back” against President Trump on Russia in the wake of his rhetoric during a controversial press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.  

“What, if anything, will Congress do in response to this awful trip? Where are our Republican colleagues … who know in their heart that the president is giving away the store to Vladimir Putin?” Schumer said to reporters.

Democrats, Schumer said, have four demands of their GOP colleagues: Ratchet up sanctions against Russia, demand administration officials on the trip testify before Congress, stop attacking special counsel Robert Mueller and demand that the 12 Russians indicted last week be sent to the United States for trial.


“I am asking Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan … make sure these four things are done,” he said. “It’s time for the Republican Party to walk the walk.” 

Earlier on Monday, Schumer wondered “What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States?” and suggested it was possible “that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump.” 

Trump roiled Washington on Monday when he refused to denounce Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and said both countries were to blame for the current low point in U.S.-Russia relations. 

Schumer added that his rhetoric was “thoughtless,” “dangerous” and “weak.”

“He took the word of the KGB over the men and women of the CIA,” he said.