
Graham: Obama, not Trump, politicized DOJ and FBI

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday backed President Trump declassifying a series of documents related to former campaign adviser Carter Page and Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr while blaming the Obama administration for “politicizing” the DOJ and the FBI.

{mosads}Graham sent a pair of tweets linking to a report that the president is close to declassifying the documents.

“I completely support House Republican efforts to have President Trump declassify the FISA warrant applications, the Bruce Ohr/Chris Steele interactions, and all other relevant information regarding allegations of corruption in the DOJ & FBI,” Graham wrote on Twitter, referring to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

{mosads}In a second tweet, Graham accused former President Obama of politicizing the DOJ.

“It is increasingly clear it was the Obama Administration who politicized the DOJ/FBI, not the Trump Administration,” Graham wrote.

Trump is expected to declassify the documents as early as this week, Axios reported Sunday.

Allies of Trump have been pushing for the release of the documents, which they say prove anti-Trump bias within the DOJ.

“After two years of investigations and accusations from both sides of the aisle about what documents indicate, it is past time for documents to be declassified and let the American people decide for themselves if DOJ and FBI acted properly,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) told Axios on Sunday.

Page was at the center of a controversial GOP memo made public last year that alleged surveillance abuses at the Department of Justice.

Ohr has been the center of Republican attacks because his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that funded British spy Christopher Steele’s research for a controversial memo that contains unverified salacious details about Trump and alleged ties to Russia.

The president lashed out at Ohr last month, asking in a tweet “how the hell” Ohr was still employed at the DOJ.