
Most Alabama voters want Tuberville to drop military hold: poll

A majority of likely Alabama voters want Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) to drop his hold on military promotions, according to a new poll.

The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling and commissioned by VoteVets, found that 58 percent of Alabama voters think Tuberville has “made his point” with his hold and that he should “now allow senior military promotions to move forward.”

Tuberville’s block stems from his disagreement with the Pentagon over its abortion policy — which reimburses service members that travel across state lines for the procedure.

The poll also found that despite Alabamans’ opposition to Tuberville continuing the hold, a majority — 54 percent — do think the Pentagon policy is “wrong and should be reversed.”

Despite this, 55 percent of voters said the blocking is hurting “national security,” according to survey results.

Figures on both the left and right have criticized Tuberville’s nearly six-month hold on the positions. On Tuesday, GOP presidential candidate and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley called out Tuberville’s actions on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”

“I appreciate what Tuberville’s trying to do,” Haley said. “I do. Like it’s totally wrong that the Department of Defense is doing this. But have we gotten so low that this is how we have to go about stopping it?”

Wednesday’s VoteVets survey was conducted between Aug. 4-5 with 577 Alabama voters participating.