
McConnell: Government shutdowns are ‘a loser for Republicans’

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) heads for a Senate Republican Conference luncheon on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) on Tuesday warned fellow Republicans to avoid brinksmanship that could result in a government shutdown, warning that shutdowns are always “a loser for Republicans.”

“We’re waiting to see what the House is going to do on a continuing resolution. I think all of you know I’m not a fan of government shutdowns, I’ve seen a few of them over the years, they never have produced a policy change and they’ve always been a loser for Republicans, politically,” McConnell told reporters to kick off his weekly press conference.

The Senate Republican leader made his comments shortly after Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other House GOP leaders pulled a procedural vote on a proposed government stopgap funding because of divisions within his conference.

Congressional leaders are running increasingly short on time to find a way to fund the government past Sept. 30 or risk a shutdown.

McConnell also said it is “incredibly important” to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the month.