
Graham: Biden should light up White House with Israeli flag

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called on President Biden on Monday to light up the White House with the Israeli flag, arguing it was important to do so after that attack on Israel by Hamas.

“I’m urging the world to condemn Iran. I’m urging the Biden administration to cloak the White House tonight in the Israeli flag. You did it for Pride Month. I want to see the Israeli flag over the White House,” Graham said in an appearance on Fox News’s “America Reports.” 

Graham pointed to other notable landmarks that have been lit up with the colors of the Israeli flag, like the Sydney Opera House, 10 Downing Street in London and the Brandenburg Gate in Germany.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Empire State building in New York City and a giant screen in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv also all showed reflections of the Israeli flag in support of the nation. 

The Palestinian militant group Hamas, which is backed by Iran, launched a surprise attack on Israel just one day after the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Hundreds of people have been killed on both sides as Israel ramps up a major counteroffensive on the Gaza Strip, which is home to the Hamas group and more than 2 million Palestinians. The U.S. government recognizes Hamas as a terrorist group.

Israel formally declared war with Hamas on Sunday after the attacks, which led to hundreds of deaths.

Graham said that that if Hamas kills one American Israeli hostage, the U.S. should “blow up” Iran’s oil refineries and put them “out of business.”

“I don’t want war, but I don’t want to live like this either,” he said. “This is hell on earth. This is barbaric. What they did to these Israelis should be severely condemned by all the Arab world.”

He said that if the U.S. does not work to aid Israel in stopping the Hamas group and does not continue to aid Ukraine, it could lead to more destabilization worldwide. 

“We have a chance to reset the world here,” he said. “Defeat Putin in the Ukraine, dismantle Hamas now and tell Iranians if you escalate any more attacks coming from Iran, we’re coming after you. Anything short of that is gonna lead to an invasion of Taiwan by China. We live in very dangerous times. The Biden administration’s approach to Iran is about as successful as their border policy.”