
Schumer: Bolton allegation ‘essentially confirms’ first impeachment article against Trump

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday said that a New York Times report on allegations made by former national security adviser John Bolton in his upcoming memoir “essentially confirms” the first article of impeachment against President Trump.

“This is stunning. It goes right to the heart of the charges against the president,” Schumer told reporters. “Ambassador Bolton essentially confirms the president committed the offenses charged in the first article of impeachment.”

Schumer’s remarks come after the Times reported on Sunday night that Bolton claims in his forthcoming memoir that President Trump tied Ukraine aid to help with investigations into Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

The report has upended the debate on Capitol Hill days ahead of an up-or-down vote on whether or not to allow new witnesses. Democrats will need four Republican senators to vote with them to successfully pave the way for witnesses. 

If they are successful, both sides would be expected to make motions for specific individuals, and the Senate would have to vote on each individual moton. 

“How can Senate Republicans not vote to call that witness, and request his documents,” Schumer asked.

“How can Senate Republicans not vote to call that witness and request those documents? We’re all staring a White House cover-up in the face,” Schumer continued.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Monday said he thought it was “increasingly likely” that other Republicans will support calling Bolton. But Romney stressed that he would not make a final decision on witnesses until after opening arguments and questions from senators. 

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) added in a statement that Bolton’s allegations “strengthen the case” for witnesses.

“The reports about John Bolton’s book strengthen the case for witness and have prompted a number of conversations among my colleagues,” Collins said in a statement.

A group of GOP senators, including Romney and Collins, worked to get the language in the rules resolution that guaranteed a midtrial vote on whether or not witnesses would be allowed.