
GOP senator: Romney trying to ‘appease the left’ with impeachment witnesses

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) on Monday lashed out at fellow GOP Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) over his apparent openness to call witnesses as part of President Trump’s impeachment trial.

Loeffler — who was just sworn into the Senate earlier this month after being appointed to succeed Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), who was popular among members on both sides of the aisle — tweeted that it was “time to move on” from the impeachment effort. 

“Sadly, my colleague [Romney] wants to appease the left by calling witnesses who will slander the @realDonaldTrump during their 15 minutes of fame. The circus is over,” Loeffler tweeted.

Officials for Romney didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Loeffler, in her tweet, didn’t specify what comment from Romney had sparked the public call out of her colleague, but it comes after Romney reiterated his interest in hearing from former national security adviser John Bolton on Monday, though he specified that he would make a final decision after opening arguments and questions from senators.

“It’s pretty fair to say John Bolton has relevant testimony,” Romney said. “I think it’s increasingly likely that other Republicans will join those of us who think we should hear from John Bolton.”

Romney later clarified that his prediction was not based on conversations with senators. But his comments came the same day he spoke out about the need to hear testimony from Bolton in a lunch with Republican colleagues, a GOP aide confirmed to The Hill. 

Romney isn’t the only GOP senator who has indicated that he would be open to hearing from witnesses.  

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said on Monday that she is “curious” what Bolton might say, but is waiting until after the initial phase of the trial to make a decision on witnesses.  

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) also said Bolton’s allegations “strengthen the case” for witnesses, but she similarly will wait before she makes a decision. 

Loeffler and her husband donated to a pro-Romney super PAC in 2012, according to Open Secrets

Loeffler is on the ballot in November for the rest of Isakson’s term, which expires in 2022. Her appointment was met with a rocky reception by conservatives. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) hasn’t ruled out running against Loeffler.  

An Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll released earlier this month found that more than 57 percent of Georgia voters didn’t know enough about Loeffler to have a favorable or unfavorable opinion. 

Of those who said they had an opinion, 30 percent of Republican voters said they have a favorable opinion, compared to nearly 10 percent who said they have an unfavorable opinion and nearly 60 percent of Republican voters who say they don’t know enough to have an opinion.