
NBA owner Mark Cuban to Senate: ‘Do your f—ing job’

Billionaire Mark Cuban on Tuesday knocked two top senators, demanding that they reach a compromise on a stimulus package in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, tweeted Tuesday that Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) should “DO YOUR F—ING JOB” and stop bickering on Twitter in response to Cornyn’s tweet at Schumer simply reading: “Blah blah blah.”

“BOTH OF YOU NEED TO DO YOUR F—ING JOB! @SenSchumer, stop kissing progressive ass. We can’t solve every problem in this deal @JohnCornyn, stop kissing big corporate ass. They don’t need buybacks or exec bonuses. They have no choice but to take any deal they can get,” Cuban tweeted.

“The economy is crashing and people are getting sick and dying because you 2 hard dicks think your agendas are bigger than the health and future of the American people. They are not. There is no perfect deal. TIME IS OUR ENEMY. Get this done today!” he added.

Cuban’s tweets come as senators have debated for days over a stimulus package that would provide a one-time check to American families and support for certain industries affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Talks over the bill have stretched for days, with Democrats accusing Republicans of inserting provisions into the bill that make its passage unlikely.