
McConnell tells voters ‘not to worry about your vote not counting’ in November

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is encouraging the public not to fret about mail-in voting, ensuring that those who vote by mail will have their voice counted.

“I don’t think people ought to worry about their vote not counting,” McConnell told reporters on Friday, according to The Washington Post. “And I would encourage people: They’ve got three options in Kentucky. You can vote early, you can vote on Election Day, or you can drop it in the mail.

“So I would encourage people not to worry about your vote not counting,” he continued. “Choose which option is the best for you, but be sure and vote.”

The Senate GOP leader also maintained that the U.S. Postal Service “can handle this.”

McConnell’s comments come amid increasing concerns over voting in the November election.

In letters to 40 states, the Postal Service warned last month that state deadlines to request, return and count ballots may clash with delayed deliveries during the coronavirus pandemic, leading to many mail-in votes not being counted in time to be part of election results.

The letters, along with changes at the Postal Service and delivery delays, have sparked questions about voting by mail this year, given that an increased number of people are expected not to vote in person due to the pandemic.

President Trump has warned without evidence that mail-in voting will lead to widespread fraud. This week he also sparked confusion by appearing to suggest that supporters should vote twice. He later clarified he wanted people to vote in-person if their mail-in ballot was not tabulated.

“Sign your mail-in ballot, OK? You sign it and send it in and then you have to follow it. And if on Election Day or early voting, that is not tabulated and counted, you go vote,” Trump told a crowd on Thursday in Pennsylvania. “And if for some reason after that — it shouldn’t take that long — they’re not going to be able to tabulate it because you would have voted.”

“But you have to make sure your vote counts, because the only way they are going to be able to beat us is by doing that kind of stuff,” Trump added.

McConnell is running for reelection this year in Kentucky and is favored to win in the state over Democrat Amy McGrath.