
Scott: Biden administration ‘inherited a tide that had already turned’ on pandemic

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) will tout Trump-era wins, including efforts to develop a coronavirus vaccine, as he delivers his party’s response to President Biden’s first joint address before Congress.

“This should be a joyful springtime for our nation. This Administration inherited a tide that had already turned. The coronavirus is on the run!” Scott will say, according to excerpts of his remarks released in advance.

Scott will add that “thanks to Operation Warp Speed and the Trump Administration,” referring to the public-private partnership launched to quickly develop a coronavirus vaccine, “our country is flooded with safe and effective vaccines.”

“So why do we feel so divided and anxious? A nation with so much cause for hope should not feel so heavy-laden,” he will say.

Biden has gotten high marks in public polling. A CNN poll released this week found that 66 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the pandemic. An NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll found that 69 percent approve. 

But Scott will also ding the impact the coronavirus has had on schools, some of which are still continuing with virtual instead of in-person learning.

“Our public schools should have reopened months ago. Other countries’ did. Private and religious schools did. … The clearest case for school choice in our lifetimes,” Scott is expected to say.

Scott, the only Black GOP senator, is poised to take a big step into the national spotlight on Wednesday night when he delivers the party’s response to Biden’s first congressional address. Scott has said 2022 will be his last Senate election, but he’s also considered to be a contender for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination.

Scott will tout other aspects of the Trump administration, saying it developed “the most inclusive economy in my lifetime.”

“We passed Opportunity Zones, criminal justice reform, and permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities for the first time ever. We fought the drug epidemic, rebuilt our military, and cut taxes for working families and single moms like mine,” Scott will say.

“Our best future won’t come from Washington schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you — the American people,” Scott will add.