State Watch

New York curfew moved up to 8 pm

New York City will move its curfew up to 8 p.m. Tuesday amid continued civil unrest over the police killing of George Floyd.

At a press briefing late Tuesday morning, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the 8 p.m. curfew would be in place through June 7 and the city would be adding more police officers to address the protests. 

De Blasio also urged citizens to “come out now” and “stand up” against looters while respecting the curfew. 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Monday announced that the city would be under curfew from 11 p.m. Monday to 5 a.m. the following day.

As of Tuesday morning, however, a second night of curfew is reportedly going to take effect several hours earlier on Tuesday evening, according to CBS New York.

“Last night was a bad night in New York City,” Cuomo said Monday when announcing the initial curfew.

“It’s New York City, where I do believe there are people who use the chaos of the moment. It’s an opportunity. If you want to steal, that’s the night to do it. If you are an extremist group, and you want to preach anarchy, that’s the night to do it.”

Cities around the country enforced curfews as demonstrations protesting the death of Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police, escalated over the weekend.

A video went viral Saturday of two police cruisers lurching through a large group of protesters, sparking ire from some congressional lawmakers.

The New York Police Department said that they doubled their presence in the city Monday night as protests continued.

Nearly two dozen states and Washington, D.C., have mobilized the National Guard to aid local law enforcement.

Updated 12:09 p.m.