State Watch

Michigan Democrats call on state Republican to resign over riot remarks

The Michigan Democratic Party is calling on state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) to resign after he was caught on a hot mic doubling down on his comments in which he suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a hoax.

Shirkey was caught on a hot mic during a meeting of the Michigan Senate on Wednesday walking back an apology he made on Tuesday for his remarks.

“@SenMikeShirkey shows no remorse for his dangerous remarks, refusing to be a leader and take responsibility for his actions,” the state Democratic Party tweeted on Wednesday.

“It’s clear Shirkey believes in the conspiracy theories he spews and won’t be backing down anytime soon. He must resign,” it read.

Shirkey can be heard during a meeting of the Michigan Senate on Wednesday telling Lt. Gov. Darlin Gilchrist (D) that he didn’t regret his comments suggesting that the Jan. 6 riot was staged.

“Just one thing before you get going,” Shirkey tells Gilchrist. “I frankly don’t take back any of the points I was trying to make.”

Shirkey is also heard saying the riot was “very real” but that “the assignment of cause — it was planned months, weeks and months and advance by somebody who unfortunately … getting blamed for it.”

“Some of Trump’s people got caught up in the mob and did things they shouldn’t have done. The assignment of cause is really what I was talking about,” he says.

“I don’t back off very easily,” he says toward the end of the video.

Gilchrist told CNN that it was clear from his interaction that Shirkey’s previous apology the day before “wasn’t genuine, that he didn’t have remorse for making those comments, only saying that he might use a couple of different words but the substance was what he believed and he still believed that and so that apology wasn’t real.”

“The fact that he chose to double down on it I think is really unfortunate,” he further said.

Video uploaded to YouTube last week showed Shirkey suggesting that rioters were not supporters of former President Trump and suggesting that it was staged.

In a statement on Tuesday, Shirkey said, “I said some things in a videoed conversation that are not fitting for the role I am privileged to serve. I own that.”

“I have many flaws. Being passionate coupled with an occasional lapse in restraint of tongue are at least two of them. I regret the words I chose, and I apologize for my insensitive comments,” he added.