State Watch

Union vows to defend members who teach ‘honest history’ of US

A teachers union on Tuesday pledged to defend its members who teach an “honest history” of the United States.

The American Federation of Teachers, one of the nation’s largest teachers unions, made the announcement in an effort to push back against legislation in several states that seeks to ban “critical race theory” or bills that aim to limit how race and racism are discussed in schools, according to The Associated Press.

Randi Weingarten, who is president of the union, reportedly told members in a virtual meeting that the union has a legal defense fund “ready to go” and that she is willing to fight against “culture warriors” who want to control in-class conversations on race and discrimination.

“Mark my words: Our union will defend any member who gets in trouble for teaching honest history,” Weingarten said in her address, according to the AP. “Teaching the truth is not radical or wrong. Distorting history and threatening educators for teaching the truth is what is truly radical and wrong.”

At least six states have passed laws prohibiting critical race theory, which examines how race and racism have impacted history and maintains that racism is systemic. Multiple other states are currently considering similar legislation, the AP reported.

In June, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed legislation banning state schools from teaching that individuals bear responsibility for actions committed by people in the past because of their race. 

Weingarten explained in an interview that the union will add $2.5 million for use in the event that its members face any legal battles over teaching about race and racism. The funds are set to help defend teachers who may be disciplined for such teaching, according to the AP.

“Teaching America’s history requires considering all the facts available to us — including those that are uncomfortable — like the history of enslavement and discrimination toward people of color and people perceived as different,” Weingarten said. “Years ago, the country unified against Holocaust deniers. We must unite again to address racism and its long-term effects.”

The National Education Association, another major teachers union, released its own pledge to protect truthful teaching of the nation’s history.

“If this grand experiment in democracy is to succeed, if the inhabitants of our nation are to prosper, we must continuously do the work to challenge ourselves and others to dismantle the racist interconnected systems, and the economic injustices that have perpetuated systemic inequities,” President Becky Pringle said, according to the AP.