Sunday Talk Shows

Warren: ‘Democrats are going to lose’ in 2022 midterms if they don’t deliver more

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) leaves the weekly Senate Democratic policy luncheon on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Sunday said “Democrats are going to lose” in the 2022 midterm elections if they do not deliver on more of their legislative priorities.

Asked by co-anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” if touting accomplishments is a winning strategy for Democrats, Warren said that while it is important, that strategy is not enough.

“I am very glad to talk about what we’ve done, obviously, and I think the president deserves real credit, but it’s not enough,” Warren said.

“We’ve got less than 200 days until the election, and American families are hurting. Our job while we are here in the majority is to deliver on behalf of those families, and that means making government work for them,” she added, 

The Massachusetts Democrat called for putting an end to price gouging, addressing corruption in Washington and canceling student debt.

“There is so much we can do, and if we do it over the next 200 days, we’re gonna be in fine shape. This is what democracy is about. Take it to the people what we’ve done, but we need to get the work done,” she said.

Pressed on if Democrats will lose control of Congress should they not accomplish more ahead of the midterm elections, Warren said she believes the party is “going to be in real trouble.”

“Yeah, I think we’re going to be in real trouble if we don’t get up and deliver. Then I believe that Democrats are going to lose. Democrats win when they do what? When they work on behalf of working people, and we can’t just rest on what we’ve already done. We need to be fighting going forward,” she said.

Democrats face a difficult battle to retain their House and Senate majorities given historic trends against a president’s party in the first midterms of his administration. The party also has just a five-seat majority in the House, while the Senate is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.

Warren penned an op-ed in The New York Times last week warning that Democrats must deliver on their promises to avoid being beaten in the midterm elections.

She wrote that Democrats are “headed toward big losses in the midterms” if they “fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda.”