
Christie to Hugh Hewitt: ‘I’ve never had a less substantive interview in my life’

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie blasted radio host Hugh Hewitt during a contentious interview Thursday, faulting him for a lack of substantive questions.

The contentiousness set in after Hewitt asked the former New Jersey governor, a critic of former President Trump, whom he would vote for in a general election between Trump and President Biden.

“If it’s Donald Trump, Republican nominee, against Joe Biden, Democratic nominee, who will Chris Christie vote for?” Hewitt asked Christie during the interview.

“At this point, I wouldn’t vote for either one of them,” Christie responded.

“What would you do?” Hewitt pressed the former governor of New Jersey.

“I’d vote down-ballot,” he replied.

“But then, you’d abdicate?” Hewitt asked.

“I mean, Hugh, this is not news. I’ve been saying this from the beginning. I’m the guy who didn’t raise my hand on the stage when they asked me if you would support him if he was a convicted felon,” Christie exclaimed.

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie delivers a speech about drug addiction at Hope on Haven Hill, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023, in Rochester, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

The Republican then took a shot at the radio host.

“So I don’t understand how we’re in … I have to tell you the truth, Hugh. You have interviewed me probably a hundred times. I’ve never had a less substantive interview with you in my life,” Christie said.

“But it’s actually the most substantive interview,” Hewitt said. “We’re down to the quarter stretch.”

“No. This is, this is not news, Hugh. I didn’t raise my hand in August, but you think you’re making news here, then you’re not paying attention,” Christie shot back.

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Christie has made criticisms of Trump a major theme of his campaign and, like the rest of the GOP field, trails the former president by double digits in most primary polls.

Hewitt, a conservative pundit who hosts a widely syndicated show on the Salem Radio Network, was one of three co-moderators for the third GOP primary debate late last year, which was hosted by NBC.