
AFL-CIO launches ad in Kentucky to call on McConnell to pass House coronavirus relief bill

The AFL-CIO on Tuesday announced a new television and social media ad buy that calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to pass the House Democrats’ coronavirus relief package.

The six-figure ad buy will run in Kentucky over the next two weeks.

The labor group stresses that the House-passed Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act will provide long-overdue relief for working people. 

“If Mitch McConnell doesn’t act … budget cuts will destroy the public services we need to recover from the coronavirus,” the ad said. “Tell Mitch McConnell Kentucky won’t be left behind — fund our essential public services now. Pass the HEROES Act.”

The HEROES Act, which provides $3 trillion in coronavirus relief, will not be taken up in the Senate. McConnell said Monday that he is in discussions with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on the next coronavirus relief bill and indicated that discussions will expand to the Senate more widely next week.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka warned about McConnell’s reelection in a statement on the ad. McConnell faces Democrat Amy McGrath, a retired Marine fighter pilot, in November.

“Instead of blocking progress, a real leader would do everything they can to save workers’ lives and livelihoods right now. If Sen. McConnell insists on continuing down this path, this may well be his last July in office,” Trumka said.