
Group works to save animals left behind amid Ukraine war

A Ukrainian soldier pets a dog in the recently retaken area close to Izium, Ukraine on Sept. 21, 2022. Ukraine's military is composed of people from all walks of life who joined the fight after Russia's invasion in February 2022.

Some Ukrainians are risking their lives to save cats, dogs and other animals made homeless by the Russian invasion.  

The fighting has destroyed entire towns and leveled large stretches of many cities while forcing millions of Ukrainians into exile abroad or in the relatively safer western parts of the country.

Olga Chevganiuk, of the Ukrainian animal organization UAnimals, estimated that amid other effects the fighting has left at least 200,000 animals homeless.

When volunteers enter a territory newly recaptured from Russia, “we see ruined houses, and we see scared animals,” Chevganiuk said.  

“Sometimes they’re so scared, they are afraid to reach people — but sometimes they are so hungry that they run when they see the car coming.”  

Once primarily focused on advocacy causes like securing better conditions for circus animals, UAnimals pivoted to more direct aid once the war began.  

That includes rebuilding bombed-out shelters and securing food and medicine for the thousands of private citizens providing care to animals in war-torn towns — including sometimes those still under Russian control.  

Ukraine’s homeless animal population ballooned in the early days of the war.

“No one knew what was happening the time people were panicking, and very often, they wanted to go,” Chevganiuk said.  

Many migrants took their pets, but others left them, assuming they would return within a few days. “But then they didn’t come back,” Chevganiuk said.  

That meant UAnimals spent much of the early part of the war fielding calls from “people asking us how they can help animals locked in the houses.”  

Many Ukrainians took matters into their own hands, even as Russian shelling destroyed shelters and strained supply lines for food and medicine.

“We have these horrible stories of people who stay in the towns were not able to evacuate — because they don’t desire to leave these animals alone,” Chevganiuk said.

Infrastructure is also strained along the frontier, she said. “Even before the war, a small town would have a shelter for 100 animals.”  

Now they might have to care for three or four times as many — on far less income. “They need much more help — and very often it’s an emergency,” Chevganiuk said. 

Welcome to Equilibrium, a newsletter that tracks the growing global battle over the future of sustainability. I’m Saul ElbeinSubscribe here.

Today, we’ll examine why Exxon’s record profits have Democrats furious and why the Colorado Basin states failed to make a deal to save the beleaguered river.

🌿 Plus: How green space can prevent heat-related death in cities worldwide. 

Exxon reports record profits for 2022

ExxonMobil announced record profits for 2022, saying it made $55.7 billion, our colleague Rachel Frazin reported.

Record numbers: Exxon’s earnings set a record, Bloomberg reported. 

Reaping rewards: “Our work began years ago, well before the pandemic, when we chose to invest counter-cyclically,” Exxon CEO Darren Woods told analysts on Tuesday, as Bloomberg reported.

“We leaned in when others leaned out, bucking conventional wisdom.” 

Buying back: Exxon plans to buy back $35 billion in stock through 2024, Bloomberg reported. 

Angering the White House: The Biden administration harshly criticized Chevron for spending money on buybacks instead of new oil production.

Exxon is next: “This summer, families across PA paid $5 a gallon for gas while Exxon made profits that ‘smashed earnings records’ and Chevron posted ‘record earnings,’” Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) said in a statement Tuesday.

Colorado Basin states almost make a deal

Representatives for six of the seven states dependent on the Colorado River said they have reached a deal on how to share the dwindling waterway, our colleague Zack Budryk reported. 

The one holdout, however, was the Colorado Basin’s biggest water user: California. 

Calling California out: That state’s “decision not to join this consensus is deeply disappointing,” Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) said in a statement.  

“California must step forward and be part of the solution. For too long, the other six states, and particularly the Upper Basin, have carried the burden of this historic drought,” Bennet added. 
Staying out: California’s decision not to join means that the states will miss a crucial deadline that expires on Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Times. 

California officials argued the state has been singled out by the other basin states, the Times reported. 

What’s in the plan? Negotiators said the new Colorado framework — not yet a formal agreement — includes plans to reduce release from two major reservoirs: lakes Powell and Mead, Budryk reported. 

The six states hope the federal government will draw on their plan for its ultimate decision, the Times reported. 

Why is this so hard? The Colorado River nourishes both an enormous number of people and an enormously diverse — and contentious — array of public and private economic interests, according to Colorado public radio station KUNC. 

Enter the gorilla: Federal pressure may be a necessary catalyst to get the states to make a deal, Stanford University fellow Felicia Marcus told KUNC. 

Green spaces vanishing from cradle of civilization

Baghdad’s green spaces are vanishing beneath a rising tide of asphalt and concrete, The New York Times reported. 

Builders are cutting down orchards and gardens in the city, where temperatures can reach 125 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, according to the Times. 

Making matters worse: Iraq, like the rest of the Middle East, is warming twice as fast as the global average, according to The Associated Press.

Extent of the damage: Two decades ago, green space made up 28 percent of Baghdad’s urban cover, Maryam Faisal of Al-Farabi University College in Baghdad told the Times. Now it is about 12 percent.

“We are gradually losing the living lungs of our city,” Faisal said.  

Legacy of occupation: Experts told the Times that the loss of green space had accelerated following the U.S. invasion in 2003.

Broader catastrophe: The land-clearing in Baghdad is part of a wider pattern of collapse in Iraqi rivers and wetlands, The Guardian reported. 

Unnatural disaster: “Climate change is working as a threat magnifier,” former water minister Hassan al Janabi told the Guardian. 

More trees mean fewer heat deaths: study

Doubling the tree cover in Europe’s increasingly scorching cities could save thousands of lives per year, according to a study published on Tuesday in The Lancet. 

Main findings: The researchers found that European cities were 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer on average than the surrounding countryside. 

Preventable death: “Essentially all heatwave-related deaths are preventable; no one needs to die from the heat,” Kristie Ebi of the University of Washington said in a statement. 

Transport Tuesday

Tesla faces federal scrutiny over its self-driving, Minnesota will get a clean car rule and the world’s biggest electric vehicle (EV) maker had a banner year. 

Justice Department digs in on Tesla’ self-driving deaths 

Minnesota court upholds emission reduction plan for cars 

World’s biggest EV-maker quintupled profits in 2022 

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