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Press: Gavin Newsom’s master class for Democrats  

(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu/Meg Kinnard)

Nobody’s happy, it seems, with the current political line-up. In fact, it’s the most oft-heard complaint today, from both sides of the aisle: If only we had a choice between two candidates not named Donald Trump or Joe Biden.  

What might that dream ticket look like? Well, last week, on Fox News, we got a peek: “The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate,” a manufactured-for-prime-time, 90-minute match-up between Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.  

When the slugfest finally and mercifully crawled to a close, many observers were left wondering why DeSantis even agreed to the exchange in the first place. He hadn’t won any of three debates with his fellow 2024 GOP candidates so far. Now he’d lost another one, to someone who wasn’t even running for president.  

For Newsom, the Fox format was a win-win. He did more than outwit, outtalk and outshine DeSantis. He enhanced his own reputation and national profile. He provided a role model for Democratic leaders. And he showed Democrats exactly how they should gear up for 2024.      

First, let’s be honest. Anybody who had the stomach to watch the encounter would have to admit: This was not by any definition a political debate. First, because both Newsom and DeSantis interrupted, insulted and talked over each other so much you could seldom make out what either one was saying. As a television production, the whole thing was unwatchable.  

Second, because it was obviously so one-sided, in effect, the great debate turned out to be nothing more than Fox host and Trump sycophant Sean Hannity relentlessly pounding Newsom with the entire Fox News agenda, from abortion and immigration to Biden’s age and poop on San Francisco streets — while clueless Ron DeSantis just stood behind his podium with a forced smile on his face. It wasn’t a two-man debate. It was Hannity, Fox News and DeSantis vs. Newsom.  

Yet Newsom, who’d clearly done his homework, never faltered. With a dizzying machine gun fusillade of facts, he rebutted every attack, defended his record in California and demolished DeSantis’s record in Florida. Newsom, in fact, seemed to know more about Florida’s problems with education, health care and crime than DeSantis himself.  

Newsom also delivered the evening’s one and only memorable line, closing his opening statement by acknowledging that while the two men would disagree on many of the issues raised that evening, there was “one thing we have in common: Neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024.” Later, he also ridiculed DeSantis’s pitiful showing in the GOP 2024 presidential primary, where he’s fallen to third place, behind Donald Trump and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. “And by the way, how’s that going for you, Ron? You’re down 41 points in your own home state,” Newsom said, laughing.   

But Gavin Newsom did something much more important than win that so-called “debate” with Ron DeSantis. He gave Democrats a master class in how to win in 2024. Unlike too many other Democratic leaders today, Newsom didn’t pussy-foot around, lamenting Biden’s age and wishing he’d step aside. He gave a spirited defense of Biden’s record on the economy, climate change, immigration, abortion and foreign policy.  

Newsom’s message to Democrats was clear: Joe Biden’s going to be the party’s nominee. He’s built up an incredible record of achievement. He beat Donald Trump once and he’ll beat him again. Now get to work and make the case.  

Heading into 2024, Democrats should follow the lead of Coach Gavin Newsom.  

Press hosts “The Bill Press Pod.” He is the author of “From the Left: A Life in the Crossfire.”