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Even in this election year, America must not lose focus on affordable housing

Upscale buildings are framed by a construction crane at an affordable housing project in Vail, Colo., on Oct. 25, 2022. (AP Photo/Thomas Peipert)

In a year when so much of the conversation among political pundits in Washington D.C. is centered on the November general election, Congress needs to remain focused on addressing the staggering low supply of affordable homeownership options in the United States.

Each week, another headline touts a cause of the housing crisis — high mortgage rates, the increasing cost of labor and constructionwages that have not kept up with inflation — the list goes on. 

All these reasons and more add up to millions of households spending more than half of their income on housing. This is unsustainable and demands immediate action. The challenge with such a multi-faceted problem is that each of these issues must be addressed, and there is no single solution. 

However, there are specific, bipartisan actions Congress can take now to help.

The need for affordable housing is urgent and vast. Habitat and other nonprofit developers cannot build enough to close the housing gap, but lawmakers can take these immediate steps to meaningfully reduce the housing deficit. And crucially, when housing is prioritized, research shows a direct link to improved health outcomeseducation and employment. If we, as a nation, care about addressing societal challenges, housing can be the lever to improve so many lives.   

Historically, an election year can remove the focus from legislative action in D.C. But Americans already cannot afford housing and even if every one of the issues covered here could be implemented immediately, more would still need to be done. 

But by acting now, Congress can create housing relief for countless families and ensure it remains a priority on the campaign trail in 2024.

Jonathan Reckford is president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity International.