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As child hospitalizations rise, leaders must act now

With schools opening as the Delta variant of COVID-19 surges, children under 12 face rising infection risks with no protection from vaccines. There are thousands of preventable child hospital admissions from COVID-19 in the U.S. each week, and their numbers increase every day. Hospitals across the country, especially in areas experiencing significant COVID-19 outbreaks, have reported shortages in beds for pediatric patients. Assuming that “everyone will get the virus” while hoping that vaccines reduce severe outcomes is untenable for children, who remain ineligible for vaccines. With Delta spreading rapidly and child vaccines just around the corner, we need effective prevention policies to prevent any more child illnesses, hospitalizations and possible child deaths.

As parents to young children, we share the parental anxiety that arises from having to choose between sending our kids to school or child care and protecting them from illness. Some schools have closed in the past week because of rising infections, leaving parents few options, just as federal unemployment insurance benefits are about to end. 

As policy researchers, we know that there is clear evidence that universal mask policies and other mitigation strategies can reduce child risks. The greatest challenge we face is a lack of federal leadership and political will to act.

Record high child hospitalizations constitute a national emergency. We need President Biden’s leadership. There are several steps the administration can take to protect our kids. 

Instead of asking American families to make the difficult decision of choosing between keeping their kids isolated or sending them to potentially risky schools, our leaders have an easy choice: act now to reduce risks for children, or allow uncontrolled transmission to continue in communities and schools, possibly resulting in severe sickness or death among America’s children. The moral and ethical choice is clear. We must protect our kids.

Courtney E. Boen, Ph.D., MPH, is assistant professor and the Axilrod Faculty Fellow in the Department of Sociology, research associate in the Population Studies Center & Population Aging Research Center, and senior fellow in the Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on drivers of population health disparities. Follow her on Twitter @CourtneyBoen.

Julia Raifman, ScD, is an assistant professor at the Boston University School of Public Health, where she conducts research on how social policies affect population health. She developed the COVID-19 U.S. State Policy Database to track changes in state health and social policies with a focus on those most vulnerable to COVID-19 and its consequences. Follow her on Twitter @JuliaRaifman.