The disinformation pandemic also has fatal consequences
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on across the world, there is another, quieter pandemic creeping across the country about which we should all be taking note: the disinformation pandemic.
And a pandemic it is, because this is a global problem. Insidious actors outside of the United States who want to increase their nefarious influence on our country are using bots and other technology to spread lies and attack America’s democracy. Given that America is the leader of the free world, these attacks should be seen as no less than a brazen attempt to seize global control and weaken our standing as a superpower.
It should therefore come as no surprise that the worst villains in this story — the ones who have a vested interest in impugning America and damaging our global standing — are China and Iran.
A recent article in AND Magazine pointed out that sowing disinformation is not always considered as serious as gathering classified information or stealing secrets. But make no mistake about it, underestimating this crime is a grave mistake.
Each carefully orchestrated lie developed by these regimes is designed to persuade people to believe an untruth, to subtly influence thoughts and perceptions, and to ultimately wreak havoc on our nation. Under each manipulation lies something unpleasant from which they want to turn our focus away.
These distractions can have fatal consequences. Had China not lied about COVID-19, perhaps the world would not have ground to a halt. Hundreds of thousands of lives could have been spared. The scope of the disaster could have been much more limited.
America’s response as a country must be to remain strong and stand up to these devious designers of disinformation. President Trump’s rhetoric in recent weeks has been admirable as he lambasts China for its untrustworthiness. The dictatorship deserves all the criticism it receives, and more. It is clear now why we cannot continue to rely on China as a partner, and instead must turn to faithful allies with whom we share common values.
The rules of the game are different now when it comes to conflict. Weapons have evolved. War does not look the same as it once did — but this is surely war.
In the Revolutionary War, soldiers from opposing armies lined up shoulder to shoulder to march down open battlefields toward each other. As times changed and technology evolved, bayonets were swapped out for tanks, planes and machine guns. With the rise of global terrorist threats, the lines between war zones and safe areas have become increasingly blurred.
And still, that has little resemblance to the shadow wars of today. Today’s fighters deny responsibility for their actions by hiding behind cutouts and third parties. They mask their identities online. They use trickery and deception, taking advantage of the press freedom and First Amendment guarantees that Americans hold dear.
We must keep our guard up and stand our ground. It is critical that America be prepared. We are the number one target of these shadow war players.
As these bad actors try to sow discord and infighting among us, we must recognize that this is a part of their strategy to weaken us. We must remain united and one step ahead of them at all times.
The United States should be working to constantly improve our technology and find new, creative ways to protect our nation. Technology companies have a key role to play and must hold themselves to a higher standard. They are gatekeepers to the information that circulates online, and they need to play a constructive role by constantly pushing back against falsehoods and hatred. No longer can we allow social media platforms to hide behind First Amendment claims. In a war, our national security is at stake, and when disinformation is planted by foreign actors for a hateful purpose, it must be stopped at all costs.
It is incumbent upon technology companies to create policies and begin rigorously enforcing them. They have benefitted from building their businesses in this country and they have a responsibility to ensure its safety by preventing it from being torn down with disinformation.
The world is a dangerous place, and not every nation plays by the same rules. We must find a way to protect freedom online, while also ensuring that disinformation is not allowed to spread and infect every aspect of our lives.
Armstrong Williams (@ARightSide) is the owner and manager of Howard Stirk Holdings I & II Broadcast Television Stations and the 2016 Multicultural Media Broadcast Owner of the Year. He is the author of “Reawakening Virtues.”
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