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Trump’s success in year one

America’s 45th President Donald Trump successfully concluded his first year in the Oval Office. Trump’s vision of “America First” sheds light on his main achievements. Let’s look at the ways Trump has been perhaps the most successful first year American president in modern U.S. history.

First, economics are a key factor. Some may argue that Trump is riding the economic wave of his predecessor: that’s not true because Trump’s strong governing style and firm hand overseas is helping Americans make income. The stock market is reaching an all-time high that is increasing the value of pension funds and investor’s wealth.

{mosads}Since Trump became president, the stock market is at all-time record levels. The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising5,000 points in a year for the first time in history. Congress has passed a tax overhaul which cuts the corporate rate to 21 percent, hasexcited business owners and fueled stock market records. In addition, the US gross domestic product has grown by more than three percent for two quarters in a row. In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years.


Second, Trump crushed ISIS, or Daesh. The Trump administration upped the operational tempo of the campaign against these terrorists by increasing the use of military power to defeat Daesh. Trump’s decision to give field commanders more decision-making authority quickened the pace of the campaign against Raqqa and other Daesh-held Levantine cities.

Trump said that the military has “knocked the hell” out of the ISIS, adding that the battlefield success is based on his decision to give commanders more latitude in fighting the terror group. American military power led the way thru Operation Inherent Resolve and working with other countries, including Russia, to stomp ISIS in to the ground.

Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the fall of ISIS was accelerated by “critical decisions” made by President Trump. Tillerson said: “In January, ISIS was actively plotting terrorist attacks against our allies and our homeland in Raqqa. Nine short months later, it is out of ISIS’s control due to critical decisions President Trump made to accelerate the campaign.” Clearly, the facts on the ground and Tillerson’s positive observations show Trump’s decision-making were correct.

The media’s portrayal of Trump is obviously negative especially with the victory over ISIS, an achievement achieved thru strength of will and use of partnership on the ground in the Levant. Last month Ross Douthat, writing in “The Times,” called the ISIS defeat “a case where the media is not adequately reporting an important success because it does not fit into anti-Trump narrative disaster in which our journalistic entities are all invested.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The media’s negative reporting masks real progress if partisan lenses are lifted.

Third, Trump united the world to fight terrorist ideology and extremism. Last year in Riyadh, Trump held three summits that achieved a new level of cooperation between countries from the Middle East and around the world to unite against terrorism.

At these key meetings, new bonds developed between the attendees who see in the American president a fighter. Moreover, Trump’s visit heralded the opening of new centers of excellence and communication in Riyadh, including Etidel. Messages of tolerance are now the norm. Trump is delivering a message of peace.

Part of Trump’s fight for American values shined in New York last year. The president boldly stood for American leadership during ahistoric United Nations address, where Trump outlined a forceful new strategy toward nations that pose the greatest security threats to the United States. Trump was lucid and forceful about America’s new policy: America First. The concept is forceful, transactional, and delivers remedies.

Trump must be admired for moving forward with his country despite his critics and haters. America First is a powerful tool that is achieving results. Harming President Trump’s reputation through tainted biased opinions centered on baseless information is dangerous and harmful not only for America’s security but for other countries around the globe. The daily barrage and fixation on anything anti-Trump is actually ammunition to harm American interests.

Pundits who are trying to weaken Trump’s style to Make America Great Again (MAGA) is fodder for America’s haters. Why enable these people? Why listen to them? Why listen to what appears to be anti-Trump hysteria on the West and East coasts of America? No doubt media attempts to smear Trump represents a unhealthy distraction from dealing with American interests around the globe. President Trump’s achievements in his first year are remarkable given the vitriol thrown at the American president.

Pundits aside, the Trump administration’s approach to the policies have been successful in helping the Dow Jones rise dramatically and unleashing American military might which a realist course to make a more peaceful world today. There is no doubt that Year One is a successful one for Trump.

Salman Al-Ansari is the Founder and President of the Washington, DC-based Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee (SAPRAC). You can find him on Twitter: @Salansar1.