
Obama to talk cyber with UK prime minister

President Obama and U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron will cap off the White House’s week of cybersecurity focus with a meeting to discuss anti-hacking measures, according to a British report.  

Obama is proposing legislation to boost data breach notifications and protect students’ digital information. He’s also expected to unveil executive actions to enhance cybersecurity information sharing between the public and private sectors.

{mosads}The White House is looking to ride the momentum of public attention cybersecurity has received following the cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, which exposed and then destroyed the company’s internal data and caused the movie studio to almost cancel the release of a multi-million dollar comedy.

The British prime minister’s office said the two leaders will chat Thursday or Friday about a report from British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) on hacking threats.

The report is not out yet, but British media outlets reported it reveals that 80 percent of U.K. firms suffered an Internet security breach in 2014.

The percentage is commensurate with other private-sector studies on the topic.

Obama and Cameron will also touch base on more general national security issues like counterterrorism efforts, according to the prime minister’s office.